Sunday 15 January 2012

The day I realized I was a Mommy...

Strange as it sounds, it didn't hit me until the birth of my second child that I was a  "Mommy".

Let me explain.....with the birth of baby #1 I was a young, struggling, single parent just trying to survive along side this new sidekick life had issued to me. Nearly a year later my now husband came into our lives. Although I realized my little duo was now turning into a family trio I was still figuring out my place as this new addition's partner and how he would fit into my son's life. Of course I was well aware of the fact that I was a mother but I was still getting used to the idea of being completely and totally responsible for another human being. I was a good mom, my son was always well taken care of but I still felt like our lives were a roller coaster and I was just along for the ride. Slowly things began to fall into place.

Now, 9 months after the birth of my second child, I am a married women, have recently settled into a real family home, work full time, own a car and am the proud mommy of a beautiful baby girl and energetic little boy. That's right, "Mommy". Suddenly I find myself planning our budget, making shopping lists, searching for the right day care that will stimulate our children but not over structure them. I even find myself censoring my language (who knew, potty mouth that I once was!).  I am making homemade playdough and saving for their college funds.

Who is this organized, mature, looking-to-the-future lady I have become? A glass of red wine and a hot bath seems like one heck of a treat and is much more appealing then that old case of beer and way too late nights! Hey, and maybe if the kids go to bed early, I can even sneak in a movie in bed with the hubby...however

OMG......I'm a MOMMY..........and I LOVE it!!!!!!

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